Friday, August 31, 2012

The Up Side of Change

I've heard people say, "I don't like change."

What about changing into fresh clothes after a day of hard work and a shower?

Changing the sheets on the bed?

Changing a dirty diaper?

A caterpillar changing into a butterfly?

How about the greatest change of all - that of a sinner redeemed by a holy God?

2 Corinthians 5:17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (NKJV)

Change can be full of uncertainties but growth cannot happen without it. Change can be a great new beginning, a time of refreshment, and a beneficial meeting of needs.

So it is with the program formerly known as MOPS at Conneautville Church of Christ. It is our prayer and intention that the most positive aspects of our group will be retained and a fresh spirit will be breathed into the lives of mothers through Moms L.I.F.E. One important change is that ALL mothers are welcome to join Moms L.I.F.E., not only mothers of pre-schoolers. So if someone calls you "mom", we'd love to have you join us.

Look for times of encouragement within this body of women committed to supporting each other around times of teaching, creative activities, mentoring, relevent speakers and sharing of our lives with one another.

This blog is a way for you to connect beyond meetings... we'll encourage comments and feedback, post bonus content and material from speakers, provide links to thoughtful posts and helpful websites, and keep a calendar for your reference. If you have suggestions for useful content on this blog, please let us know. We want this to be your forum for continued dialogue and a resource to support you in your daily walk.

We look forward to seeing you on October 4th for a fresh start in a new year!